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Flagger Certification Training in-person or Via Zoom Astoria OR

Flagger Certification Training is live or Now Offered on Zoom Video Conferencing for Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana. Flagger Certification Cards are issued a card after a passing grade of 80 percent. All Training Materials will be mailed to you before the class starts. An instructor will cover all material live on Zoom or in person, where you can ask questions. You receive all training material in the course. We also cover best practices from years of working with Oregon OSHA, ANSI, and flagging companies. Flagger Certification Training is a requirement; cards are valid for three years.

What you'll learn:

·      The requirements for becoming a flagger

·      The agencies and regulations that govern flagging

·      The clothing and equipment that you’ll need to have on the job per OSHA

·      What goes into setting up a Temporary Traffic Control (TTC) zone, including warning devices, spacing, and where a flagger fits in

·      Flagger placement and how to signal using a STOP/SLOW paddle, flashlight, or red flag

·      How to keep yourself and others safe in the work zone

·      Special situations such as flagging at intersections, roundabouts, and railroad crossing.

Class requirements:

·      Students must be at least 18 years old

·      Students must bring a valid, state-issued driver’s license or I.D. card for the instructor to verify at the start of class.

·      To receive a Flagger Certification card, students must pass the knowledge exam with an 80% or better score.


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